The Arizona Strip is a remote and isolated corner of the United States that is well known for its intense beauty and its ability to inspire. This masterclass is unique for NPPE in that our locations are spread between three separate tracts of public lands. While this is an administrative challenge dealing with multiple government agencies, we feel that it is worth the effort to bring this opportunity to our students. Our locations for this Class include the Grand Canyon, Toroweap district, the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Kanab District, the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, and the White Pockets Unit. This masterclass also includes an overnight adventure under the stars provided by local outfitters and a great chance to share stories around the campfire. We are shooting in some of the darkest skies in the country so if the weather cooperates we should come away with some amazing night shots
You will capture light, shadow, line, form, texture, and more from the Wahweap Hoodoos, the Toadstools of the Southern Grand Staircase, the marvel of the Grand Canyon, the isolation of the Paria Wilderness, and so much more. All just a short distance from our basecamp in Kanab, Utah.
The Arizona Strip Masterclass Photography Workshop is a 7-day full immersion program that teaches a capture to post-production workflow to create fine art landscape photography. We are not a photography tour provider; we are a visual arts, photography education program. Thus, you will spend significant time at each location with your instructor to develop a deep understanding of your subject and theme and learn to complete your vision in post-production.
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